Through Math Olympiad participation, students not only sharpen their problem-solving abilities and mathematical understanding but also gain valuable experiences in teamwork, competition, and perseverance.
There are many math competitions out there, but EVES has chosen to sponsor two: MOEMS and Perennial Math.
MOEMS is one of the most influential math competition programs in the United States and throughout the world, with over 120,000 students from every state and 39 countries participating. MOEMS aims to teach multiple strategies for out-of-the-box problem solving, help develop mathematical flexibility in solving those problems, and help foster mathematical creativity and ingenuity.
Teams consist of up to 35 students.
The Olympiad consists of 5 competitions
Each competition is one paper test with 5 problems that must be completed in 30 minutes.

The tests must be administered to all students on the same day, in the same place, at the same time. The exact test date/time is chosen by the PICO (Person in Charge of Olympiads). It is not possible to make up a missed test.
The tests are administered after school in a quiet setting.
Students work alone, scoring 1 point for each correct answer.
Students receive only the questions, a pencil and one sheet of scrap paper. Calculators, rulers, graph paper, and other aids or resources are not permitted.
Problems introducing more advanced concepts include all necessary definitions.
Parents may attend the competition but may not interact with the student in any way until the competition is concluded.
If a student misses a test, no partial refund is available.
Solutions to each test are available after the last day of the competition period
The PICO scores each contest using the provided answer key and submits scores to MOEMS.
Answer keys provide detailed solutions and follow-up questions that could be used for future practice.
Students score one point for each correct answer.
After the last contest, a Student Score (0 – 25) is assigned, which is the number of problems answered correctly throughout the Olympiad.
The Team Score (0-250) is the sum of the ten highest student scores taken after the fifth competition.
Awards are shipped from MOEMS after the last competition. The awards package includes:
Certificates for all students
One Highest Individual Scorer medal
Award patches for about 50% of all top participating students
Silver pins for top 10% and gold pins for the top 2% of scores
Gold pins for the top 2% of all scores
George Lenchner Medallion for a perfect score of 25
We recommend students study at least one hour each week to adequately prepare for each competition. The following materials will be provided to all students who register for the MOEMS Olympiad:
50 problems and detailed solutions from the previous two years
Supplemental contest problems purchased from MOEMS
The Perennial Math Competition was created by Dr. Sylvia Dean to offer students more venues to showcase their talents, help teachers develop math skills in their classroom, make math more exciting, and create better problem-solving skills. While Perennial Math offers many different types of competitions and tournaments, EVES has chosen to participate in the Online Competitions only.
Teams consist of up to 30 students.
There are two seasons to choose from with four tests per season - one each month. Season 1 is from November through February and Season 2 is from January through April.
Each competition is one paper test with 6 fill-in-the-blank problems that must be completed in 30 minutes.
There are two levels of competition: Rookie (grades 3-4) and Intermediate (grades 5-6).
Students may register in a higher level than their grade level, but only one level above their grade level.
The tests are word problems with two or three steps and get progressively harder.

The tests will be administered to all students on the same day, in the same place, at the same time. The exact test date/time is chosen by the PICO (Person in Charge of Olympiads). Makeup dates are available, but parents must reach out to coordinate with the PICO for a new date/time.
Tests are posted on the first Monday of each month and need to be taken by the last Friday of that month.
The tests are administered after school in a quiet setting.
Students work alone, scoring 1 point for each correct answer.
Students receive only the questions, a pencil and one sheet of scrap paper. Calculators, rulers, graph paper, and other aids or resources are not permitted.
Parents may attend the competition but may not interact with the student in any way until the competition is concluded.
If a student misses a test, no partial refund is available.
Solutions to each test are available after the last day of the competition period.
The PICO scores each contest using the provided answer key and submits scores to PM.
Answer keys provide detailed solutions and follow-up questions that could be used for future team practices.
Students score one point for each correct answer.
Awards are shipped from PM after the last competition of each season. The awards package includes:
Participation certificates for each student
One gold medal for the season highest scorer
Dog tags for students in the top 10 percent
A plaque for PM Top Teams.
Name on the PM Wall of Fame for a score of 5 or 6 for each competition.
We recommend students study at least one hour each week to adequately prepare for each competition. The following materials will be provided to all students who register for the PM Olympiad:
Practice Power Points
Four practice tests from the previous year
Supplemental contest problems purchased from PM