Being a room parent is a special type of involvement in which you can enjoy a closer connection to your child’s teachers and other parents, and the feeling of knowing your efforts are needed and appreciated by the entire school. You can also establish yourself as a reliable member of your school community, and gain perspectives and experiences you wouldn’t otherwise have.
Before making any volunteer commitment consider these things: This is this a one-year commitment. You must make an honest assessment of your time and personality. Consider not only how much time you have but when you’re available. Think about your work schedule and time commitments for other children’s school activities. If your teachers are looking for hands-on assistance in the classroom (or primarily after-hours help) and your job doesn’t allow that kind of flexibility, there may be other ways you can help. Remember there are plenty of volunteer opportunities too: lunch monitors, library assistants, and more. There is no shortage of volunteer opportunities!

Room Parents are liaisons between teachers and families. As a Room Parent, you may be asked to recruit other caregivers to chaperone field trips, help plan class events and exposition nights, assist teachers in various tasks, or do a bit of fundraising to purchase class supplies or teacher gifts. Some classes opt to have several Room Parents to help share the work. Some teachers may want a lot of help, or very little – so your most important task will be to learn your teacher’s expectations.
Different teachers have different needs and Room Parent responsibilities will vary from class to class. But all Room Parents share some things in common: a desire to help, good organizational and communication skills, and the time, energy, and enthusiasm for helping in a hands-on way. Here are some things you may be asked to do:
Communicate with other caregivers. This includes identifying families who are not English speakers. Translation resources are available from the school, so ask that class communications are translated when applicable. Make sure that families without access to email and other electronic means also get communications by text/hard copy. Give extra effort to caregivers who are not as responsive. Also, include your teacher in communications to caregivers (unless you’re asking for donations for birthday gifts for them!)
Plan & organize class events. Sign up and coordinate volunteers to donate time or supplies, send out reminders about upcoming events, meetings, field trips, and needs.
Foster an inclusive culture. We have an extremely diverse population at Eagle View and all perspectives, values, and cultures must be respected. Work with your teachers or EVES Family Liaison for advice on how to make sure everyone’s needs are being met.
Act as a liaison for our PTA. Communicate needs, issues, and any other relevant information to our PTA. Attend PTA meetings when able, and ideally, helping generate support or interest in PTA efforts. For example, room parents can help the PTA promote an event by reminding their parents of an upcoming program or fundraiser.
Recruit other caregiver volunteers. Don’t hesitate to delegate tasks to other caregivers who are willing to help.
Meet with your teacher. Learn about your teachers’ needs, preferences, and expectations. These are a few important questions to ask:
Contact information: How do the teachers prefer to be contacted by you and other class parents? What are school policies for gathering and releasing parent contact information?
How can you best support the class with communication, organizing events, getting chaperones for field trips, making copies, prepping materials for class activities, donating supplies, etc.?
What ongoing volunteer support needs are there? Weekly readers, art prep, making copies, snacks, supplies, lunch supervisors, etc.
What events should you plan for (field trips, holiday events, open-house, assemblies, etc.)? Is there a calendar already, or should you help set dates for that?
Teachers’ favorites (meals, beverages, restaurants, stores, treats, charities, teams, hobbies, etc.)? Perhaps create a gift-guide for other caregivers.
Classroom party dates & plans. How many? Who plans (teacher or parents)? Food requirements (healthy or sweets)? Food allergy considerations? Please consider both student AND teacher allergies. Timing and activities/games/crafts?
Meet with teachers, other Room Parents, and the PTA on a regular basis. Regularly scheduled check-ins/meetups are a good way to keep everyone in the loop and find out how you can best support your teachers throughout the year as their needs change.
Solicit & collect supply donations. Classrooms always need donations of supplies: tissue boxes, hand sanitizer, snacks for field trips, etc. Letting parents know when donations are needed will ensure your class has everything it needs. You may also try to solicit donations from the larger community, such as local businesses.
Organize appreciations & gifts. We love our teachers and staff and want them to feel appreciated. Room Parents can solicit donations to purchase gifts for teachers for special occasions (holidays, birthdays, Teacher Appreciation Week, etc.) Keeping equity top of mind, all fundraising asks for the classroom should always embrace a “give what you can,” philosophy, so families can contribute meaningfully (whether through volunteering, baking something healthy to share, or the like), even if they can’t contribute financially.
Act as a resource for new families. When new students start at EVES, Room Parents should reach out to them to answer any questions and make them feel welcome in our community.
Attend PTA meetings & schoolwide activities when able. This is the best way to stay up to date on bigger picture issues that class parents may ask you about — and help the school as a whole!
Share your experience & knowledge with incoming Room Parents. To help build a strong community and smarter classrooms!
NOTE: NEVER release contact information without permission or share sensitive information you may be privy to as a room parent.

Here are some tips to get started after volunteering to be a Room Parent:
Meet with your teacher to understand his/her expectations and preferences.
Send a welcome email/letter to families introducing yourself, your role, and what parents can expect from you, including your contact information. Ask parents if they have special interests or talents they would like to share with the class (i.e., gardening, music, photography, cultural experiences, etc.). Consider sharing your email with teachers before sending it out, to see if there’s anything they’d like you to adjust or include.
Set up and use a group email list for those willing to participate. A class page can be set up on the PTA’s website if desired.
Build a calendar of class events along with volunteer needs for each.
Let the teachers lead. Find out what the teachers want, not what you think they need. Feel free to share your own ideas for great books, craft projects, etc. — but don’t take it personally if the teachers choose not to incorporate them. They have complex lesson plans and know the kids’ needs best, so it’s important to remember the teachers oversee the classroom, and we should follow their lead. If you’re uncertain about something, ask.
Good communication is key. Before you or other parents come into the classroom, work out with the teachers exactly when you need to be there and what you’ll be doing. Avoid discussions during drop-off or pick-up, so your teachers aren’t caught up in the chaos of starting or ending their day.
Take your cues from the teachers. Once you enter the classroom, let the teachers take the lead by introducing you to the children. It might be tempting to start talking or playing with your little one, but many of the kids might not understand who you are or what you’re doing there. Wait until the teacher gives you some cues and then you can start doing what you came to do. Remember you’re there for ALL the children and give all the children equal attention.
Don’t drop in unexpectedly. Unexpected visits can cause a disruption and put teachers in a difficult position. Teachers have a very tight schedule, and even the slightest distraction can make the entire day veer off-kilter.
Know when to leave. Although it may be hard to leave the classroom, the best guests know when it’s time to leave. Read the story, do the craft, and then say goodbye. Don’t use your role as a Room Parent to ask families for special favors, to monitor your child or your teacher, or to hold an unplanned parent/teacher conference.

Before making this commitment we will reiterate these things:
This is this a one-year commitment. You must make an honest assessment of your time and personality. Are you a person who meets deadlines, follows through, and carries responsibility well? Consider not only how much time you have but when you’re available. Think about your work schedule and time commitments for other children’s school activities. If your teachers are looking for hands-on assistance in the classroom (or primarily after-hours help) and your job doesn’t allow that kind of flexibility, there may be other ways you can help.
If you are ready and willing to take on this responsibility please fill out the form below: